Walking In LA

Kai and I had a whole exciting day planned for this previous Monday. Unfortunately for us our day went completely different than to what we had planned. 

Our original plans revolved around the Kali Uchis show we'd be attending at The Echo that night. Those plans were quickly canceled while picking up my last check ( I will be writing a post dedicated to this topic so stay tuned) I was told by Victoria that the show was actually sold out. What Kai and I didn't know was that we actually had to buy pre sale tickets in order to get in and not just pay our $5 at the door. Monday was a perfect example as to why we hate living in LA while not being 21. Also reminded us that we need or fakes ASAP!

Since we wouldn't be going to the show we decided to walk around Plaza Mexico to take a few pictures. We actually ended up paying $6 to get into a merry go round which only ended up making us feel very dizzy and pukey, yet we still managed to take a few photos.


Since neither Kai , Victoria or I would be able to get into the Kali Uchis show we decided to meet up at Syrup Desserts in downtown and see were we'd end up by the end of the night.

By the way you all have to go check out Syrup it has one of the most amazing White Chocolate Raspberry drinks I've ever had.
Check out their menu here


I had been dying to check out the new Haus of Love / Zalez Studios store so I convinced the girls to walk down the block with me even though none of us really knew where exactly it was located. We spent 15 minutes trying to figure out where exactly the store was. 10 of those minutes were spent trying to figure out how Maps work since it kept making us go in circles.

Pro Tip: Do not use maps!

We got so annoyed by trying to figure out how to get to Haus of Love that we ended up breaking into a rooftop down the street.


Since Kai is still fairly new to DTLA I decided I'd take her to the rooftop at the Ace Hotel


We ended our night talking for a hour and a half in Kai's car while it rained outside. Somehow we went from talking about crazy photographers we've encountered in LA to talking about psychiatric wards and brain disorders.

What I like the most about spontaneous nights like these is that we all get to know and share about each others personal lives.

I'm not going to lie as much as I love going out to shows and parties I would rather sit down and have a heartfelt conversation with people I actually care about.

- Nico