Who really breaks our hearts?

For the last year I've been asking myself this: who really breaks our hearts? Is it the person we're emotionally involved with or is it us? Do we break our own hearts?


It's so easy to point fingers at the end of a relationship when trying to find someone to blame for all the pain we feel. It's normal. We can't help but try to put the blame on our significant other. But do we ever stop and think that maybe we broke our own heart?


Let's be honest - there are always signs throughout every relationship but it's our choice to acknowledge them or not. Once we start to look back at the relationship we start to accept the fact that all the signs were in our faces all along. We realize that there’s a reason why he wouldn't text us back on a certain day, why he'd cancel plans or why he was never fully committed. We saw these signs but chose ignore them and look at the relationship through rose colored glasses in the hopes that he’d change. Change for us.


There were times when you'd walk away and say you'd never go back but somehow you found yourself back at square one. Constantly beating yourself up over your partner’s actions or the way the relationship was going. It started to become a never ending cycle.


At the time we may have not noticed but we were the ones breaking our own hearts all along. We were the ones who would ignore all the warning signs and brush them off, the ones going back, and the ones who thought we could change them.


Sometimes when you love someone you can't help but believe the best is yet to come, believe they'll change for you, and believe that all the stuff you’re going through will be worth it at the end.