Arm Yourself

#ad Protecting myself, my family and the ones I love has been my number one priority throughout the pandemic. Especially now during the holidays when we hope to be together with family to celebrate.

What better gift this holiday season than being able to help stop the spread of COVID-19?

Today, Latinx and Hispanic communities have one of the highest COVID-19 death rates of any group in the U.S. More than half of Americans are fully vaccinated, and while in the early stages of vaccine roll-out the Latinx community lagged far behind, they are now represent one of the fastest growing segments of the population to be vaccinated.

Vaccination is a personal choice, but if you haven't gotten yours yet, please consider how receiving yours will help to protect you and your loved ones this holiday season. For more info or to find a vaccination location near you, check out

Remember, the vaccines are safe, effective and save lives!

Choose to register for yours today.