Interview: Kai Carlton




Name / Age / What do you do?

I’m Kai Carlton, I’m 20 years old and I’m a student and musician.

What made you want to start making music ?

I wanted to make music ever since I was little but I started making music when I was 13 years old. I got really influenced to do so because I grew up always listening to rock because of my mom and dad. They both had such a passion for it so I sort of caught onto that which made me want to make music myself.

So was your parent’s music taste what sparked that fire under you to start making music?

Well ever since I was little I’ve been interested in art. It wasn't necessarily their music taste I think it was just growing up with it so I just unknowingly had that influence. 

So you went towards music instead of something else? 

Yeah, I wanted to go and follow something I had a passion for, I always loved the arts but I especially loved music.



What are some of your main influences when it comes to music? 

I'm pretty heavily influenced by 90’s grunge music along with classic rock from like the 60’s and 70’s. For example, The Doors, Led Zeppelin and Rod Stewart from the 90’s I’m very influenced by Hole which is a 90’s female band led by Courtney Love who is a cunt but a really great musician. I also really like Alice and Chains, Soundgarden, Audioslave and obviously Nirvana.


For all the posers out there what’s your favorite Nirvana album or song?

Fuck Posers. My favorite “album” which isn’t really an album is their MTV Unplugged. I love it because you can really just tell the emotion in Kurt’s voice. My favorite songs from that album are “Pennyroyal Tea” and “Oh Me” they're a couple of songs you don’t normally hear them do live. It's just a wonderful album I guess you can say.

Yeah I’ve never really listened to Nirvana and the couple of songs I’ve listened to it’s only because you play them in the car haha

Well then you’ve probably listened to MTV Unplugged album




Was music one of the main reasons as to why you moved to LA?

Yes, it was my main reason for moving to LA. I definitely had a different perspective of Los Angeles but out of all the states right now my mentor had told that I was probably going to have my best luck in getting influenced in California not necessarily Los Angeles but definitely California.

So did you move to LA for school or did you just want to focus on your music?

Well I went to the Art Institue for a semester but it was a horrible school, don’t go there. I’m actually starting to record my own music now which is why I went to the Art Institute but I didn’t learn any of my recording abilities at the Art Institute I learned them from my mentor Baxter Clement. He has pretty much taught me everything I know about music, how to play it, how to write it how to record it.

How to suck a dick?

No haha he didn't teach me that


So which way are you trying to take your music? Is it just a hobby for now or are you trying to be a professional about this?

I would never call my music a hobby because it’s literally pretty much what I revolve my life around, I think about it all the time. I don’t want to sound cliche about it but it’s ultimately always been the love of my life, I love music so much. I’m also doing school because let’s be real music isn’t going to be the most realistic plan in the world but it does not mean by any means that I'm giving it up it just means that I’m being responsible.

I feel you, that’s how I feel about my art which is why I’m going back to school.

Exactly, everybody needs a backup plan

So do you have any projects going on that we should keep an eye out?

Yes, I’m putting out a lot of acoustic videos of some of my new stuff I’m working on so I can give people a taste of what I’m trying to go for. I’m also going to start recording in my new EP in the next month and I really want it to have 4 songs.

Yay, well I’ve listened to some of your new music so I’m really excited for the EP!

Yeah, definitely keep an eye out!