Interview: Seidi Häkkänen

Name / Age / What do you do? 

Seidi/20/student and creative soul

Relationship status? 

Single, but talking to someone right now who I think is pretty dope.



What do you think about dating apps? (Tinder) do you think they work? Do you think you can find love on a dating app or is it just for fun and casual sex? 

I think dating apps can work, I've definitely met some really cool people off Tinder actually, but you definitely have to be clear with your own intentions when talking to people and ask what they're looking for. I think you can find love on Tinder, it's all about chance, you never know if you might really click with someone in person.




Can you do casual sex? (I can't haha I'm not a sexual hoe I'm more of an emotional hoe) 

I can't do casual sex because I get attached to people fairly easily, plus that's not what I'm looking for. I want an emotional, intellectual connection with someone in addition to obviously that sense of passion.

What do you look for in a guy? 

I look for someone with a good sense of humor (basic I know hah), someone who enjoys a creative outlet of their own, and someone who I can talk to about anything and everything. A well dressed boy is of course always a plus as well (can we talk about how hot guys look in overalls?)!





When was the last time you went out on a successful date? Any fun details? Lol

I haven't really been on a date recently but I did end up meeting someone from Tinder and after hanging at a party for a bit sitting with them on a roof we climbed on to, which was kind of perfect and very much like an indie movie. 





Have you ever been in love? How did that turn out? Do you think it's true when they say "you'll always love your first love? (I still love my ex and it's been 4 years as a matter of fact now that I think about it I still look for him in the guys I date now, SMFH) 

I don't think I've experienced love yet, I've had deep feelings for someone for sure  but I think love has to be mutual for it to be felt to its maximum.  And I do think that's true, you can't forget those feelings. 


I'm sure you've been through heartbreak, at least once. We've all had! How was your first breakup? How did you deal with it? 

My first honest break up was fairly recently (although I've fallen out of terms with people before). I never deal with things like that well, but it was for the better and I'm excited to see what the future holds. 

What advice would you give your old self when dealing with your first heartbreak? 

You never know what's around the corner, and there's always someone out there who truly appreciates you for you. Plus loving yourself is always the most important, even if it's rough at times.









Look 1: Vintage Pants, Zara Shoes, Kimchi Blue Bralette, Buffalo Exchange Feather Stole

Look 2: Zara Dress, Vintage Scarf, Dolls Kill Boots